The provision for special educational needs supports pupils who experience challenges with cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social and emotional wellbeing and sensory or physical difficulties. Pupils who may have special educational needs are identified through robust tracking of progress and attainment or through concerns raised by feeder schools, subject teachers, parents and carers or through pupils themselves.
Funding for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities allows us, in consultation with outside agencies, parents/carers and pupils to offer flexible support to meet the needs of the individual. The school works in partnership with a range of outside agencies including the Special Educational Needs Support Service, Autism Outreach, the Educational Psychologists Service, the Physical and Disability Support Service and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Endon High School is a designated Pathway School and is, as such fully accessible to pupils with physical disabilities. We welcome such pupils and ensure that their inclusion in our school community enhances the experience of all, promoting understanding and recognition of the value and uniqueness of each individual.
The designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Mr Jenkins, supported by our Assistant SENCO, Mrs Watt; who manages the provision on a day to day basis.
A copy of the full SEND Policy and School Information Report is available on request or from the school’s website.
SEND Report
Endon High School SEND Policy
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