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Endon High


NOTE TO NEW PARENTS - September 2024

The uniform is changing for the incoming Year 7 from September 2024. The new arrangements will be published in late April 2024. This change does the policy below for current pupils.

School Uniform

The school operates a formal uniform policy, revised and drawn up in consultation with parents, pupils, staff and governors.  We believe good uniform standards are important because;

  • uniform helps to avoid distinctions based on wealth and social background
  • uniform helps to develop a sense of community and shared responsibility
  • uniform/appropriate dress is part of working life generally
  • uniform helps to instil a sense of pride in appearance.

We work hard to maintain high standards in implementing our uniform policy and hope that we can rely on parents to support us in our efforts.  Certain items of uniform must be purchased from our nominated stockist.



  • Black school blazer with embroidered school badge available from the named stockist only.
  • Black School Trousers
  • White shirt and school tie. Clip-on ties are compulsory in all years, unless they are a buddy or a prefect. Ties are available from school or our suppliers.
  • Black V-neck school pullover with embroidered badge available from the named stockist only.
  • Plain black shoes with black laces where required (not boots, trainers or canvas pumps and no coloured logos).
  • Plain black, white or grey socks.
  • No unnatural hair colour.
  • No rings or jewellery except a watch and one pair of studs/sleepers (one only in the bottom of each ear).
  • No nose-studs, eyebrow studs or other piercings.
  • No shaven heads, or ‘extreme’ hair styles (eg ‘tram lines’ etc).
  • No ear stretchers.



  • Black school blazer with embroidered badge available from the named stockist only. Please note stockist have an option of a more tailored girls’ blazer.
  • Black school skirt with EHS embroidered on the waistband, available from the named stockist only. Skirts must be knee length.
  • Black school trousers with EHS embroidered on the waistband, available from the named stockist only.
  • White traditional collar school shirt (no rever collars) and school tie. Clip-on ties are compulsory in all years unless they are a buddy or a prefect. Ties available from school or Motif Marketing.
  • Black V-neck school pullover with embroidered badge available from the named stockist only.
  • Plain black shoes (not high heels, sling backs, platforms, canvas pumps, boots or trainers and no coloured logos).
  • Plain black, white or grey socks, flesh coloured or plain black tights.
  • No unnatural hair colour.
  • No rings or jewellery except a watch and one pair of studs/sleepers (one only in the bottom of each ear).
  • No nose-studs, eyebrow studs or other piercings.
  • No nail varnish and no visible make-up.
  • No ear stretchers

PE Kit


Most items in our PE kit feature the Endon High School PE logo and are available from our named stockist (see below). Black socks, trainers, shin pads and black tracksuit bottoms can be purchased from any retailer.

Compulsory items  

  • Polo shirt with EHS PE logo
  • Hooded top or zip ¼ top with EHS PE logo
  • Black shorts, skort, leggings or black tracksuit bottoms with EHS PE logo
  • Black sports socks
  • Trainers (not canvas pumps)
  • Shin pads

Optional Items 

  • Rain jacket with EHS logo (the is the only jacket that will be permitted in PE lessons)


(for pupils in year 8, 9, 10 and 11, the previous school PE uniform policy expectations will continue, however, any new PE kit must be the new 2021/2022 kit)

For health and safety reasons, long hair must be tied back in PE lessons and all jewellery, including earrings, must be removed. It would, therefore, be advisable for ear piercings to be done at the beginning of the 6 week holidays. It is important that all items of uniform, including PE kit, are clearly named. If any items are lost, students should inform the Main Office immediately.

Named Stockists    

Supersport (Leisure Shirts) Ltd                                                                      Motif Marketing 

Hope Silk Mill                                                                                                           19&21 Millrise Road

Macclesfield Road                                                                                                  Milton

Leek, Staffordshire                                                                                                Stoke on Trent

ST13 8JZ                                                                                                                      ST2 7NB

TEL: 01538 386226                                                                                              TEL: 01782 534849


Shirts must be tucked into trousers or skirts and ties must be worn correctly. Parents will be asked to replace inappropriate items of uniform including footwear


Endon High School is part of the Shaw Education Trust Limited, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 09067175 whose registered address is Shaw Education Trust Head Office, Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, ST7 4DL. Shaw Education Trust is an exempt charity. Endon High School is not accountable for the content displayed on the external webpages that may be linked from our site. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure the specified content linked to is of an appropriate nature; however, we cannot be held responsible for any other material published by any other site.